At the age of 3, Muskan’s life was incredibly difficult. She was born to a teenage mother addicted to drugs and living on the street. Her father has nothing to do with her and the children living in the area would pass her around and use her for begging daily to get more money from people.
We first met Muskan when she wasn’t quite a year old, being carried around a fair at a park in the middle of the city by another child. We continued to see her in the neighborhood, always playing alone, typically beside an addict that was using. Try as we might, we couldn’t get her out of her tough situation.
Her grandmother saw us on the street and asked us to take Muskan and give her a better life. It took Muskan a few days to adjust to having more than 20 “siblings” giving her attention. But as you can see from this picture, life at the home suited her just fine.